I’ve had the time of my life and I owe it all to you.

Well its 2014, and I’ve had the time of my life and I owe it all to you.

I wanted to mention blogging is not my thing. I am horrible at spelling, and figuring out what to write about is a constant struggle. I feel that this is more a hassle than fun; therefore, I am going to try to find new ways to make this blog better. Firstly, I am going to try to see if I can record a podcast or YouTube videos. I am much better at talking then writing; therefore, I am making it my task to put one or the other together this weekend.  I do not know how (1) annoying my voice is, (2) if people listen to podcasts. Either way, listen to it, watch it, and keep up with me through social media such as Twitter or Facebook.

I have realized while going through grief, people are now living their legacies online. We are still connected through personal relationships and memories, but now digitally we have those times to look through and remember. I want to remember my friends, family, and experiences.


This year has been full of transitions. From one lifestyle to another, things most certainly have gotten less independent. In many ways, I believe I romanticized volunteering. The reality is, living in community and working with no income is hard. It is simple. I moved somewhere new, without knowing anyone I would be living with, no income, and no friends. Great idea! In reality, my close friends/family will tell you, I do not like change. It is not fun for me.

However, by March of 2013, something had to give. I was not going to class, hating my life, and feeling depressed about many different things. I am not going into detail…let’s say I was unhappy. I had applied to be a YAV international, (US is for losers), went to what we call “discernment” and lost my mind.

Me: This is not that serious, and why is everyone freaking out?

Internal monologue:  What’s all this God stuff… don’t cry, you don’t care, you not even going do this anyway… don’t cry.

I remember how lost and scared I felt at discernment, I was a ball of nerves, and I had no idea what I was doing there.

The weekend ended. I interviewed with some US sites, and in August, I started this adventure as a Young Adult Volunteer.

2013, I lost my way, and even before my life took a weird detour I was not excepting. 2014, I am ready for whatever you have prepared for me.

I here on the internet to be honest, open, and venerable.

Look for new content in the coming weeks!